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Shibayama Crab?

What is the topic "Shibayama Crab" now?

Shibayama Crab What is a Shibayama Crab?

  • So far at the Shibayama Fishing Port there is a famous luxury Matsuba Crab Sanin
    Matsuba Crab delicious quality was not lost.
    Then, do you know "Shibayama Crab"?
    I think that there are also many people who do not know.
    It should be that name "Shibayama Crab" is
    It was just named after November 2003.
    In a pine needle that can not sink to which fishing port it can be taken
    Why was it not named?
    The delicate and strict quality control of Shibayama Fishing Port was conversely a big wall.

  • ◆ "Quality of Shibayama Crab" supported by quality control ◆
    Traditionally, the distinction between landing and crab is on its own tag of the fishing port.
    Taiza Crab is "green", Tsuiyama Crab is a feeling, "blue".
    However, until now, the tag at Shibayama Fishing Port did not exist.
    The reason is that in Shibayama, under strict examination, we are doing ranking which divides the active crab into subdivided, unlike other areas.
    Therefore, it is difficult to define from where to where "Shibayama Crab", strict and delicate quality control was rather a barrier to tagging.
    However, from November 2003 it was decided to attach tags at Shibayama Port.
    Among severe in Shibayama Fishing Port finely ranked by the Matsuba Crab of quality management
    Only the top rank was defined to attach the tag of "Shibayama Crab", "Pink color".

Shibayama Crab taste

  • It is a famous Sanin in Matsuba Crab nationwide.
    The taste of its taste, sweetness, fragrance, Pretty feeling,
    Every one of them will eat the person who ate.
    Sanin Matsuba, by delicate and strict quality control
    Selected "Shibayama Crab".
    Steam it, steam it, bake, no matter how you cook, it will not allow you to follow other crabs
    I think you will be satisfied with the rich flavor.
  • There are various ways of eating besides this.
    There is no doubt that delicious what you eat, "Shibayama Crab" that is well-maintained in quality control!

"Shibayama Crab" and "Kasumi Crab"

  • The crab, which is generally called snow Matsuba Crab, is called the Matsuba Crab, in Sanin in. (Shibayama fine Matsuba Crab that can be taken at Shibayama is called "Shibayama Crab")
    "Kani" which can be taken in the Sanin in is called Snow crab (Matsuba Crab) whose fishing season is only winter, and Red Snow crab (Kasumi Crab) Kasumi Crab fishing season is from September to June.
    Kasumi, Red Snow crab is called "Kasumi Crab town."It is popular in the Sanin Region because it eats all year round.
  • Shibayama Crab (Matsuba Crab)

    In winter, only for fine Matsuba Crab that went to Shibayama Fishing Port
    "Shibayama Crab" is named.
  • Kasumi Crab (Red Snow Kasumi Crab)

    The fishing season is selected at Kasumi Fishing Port from September to June.
    It is called "Kasumi Crab".